• Інститут електрозварювання ім. Є.О. Патона
    Національної академії наук України

    Department of Protective Coatings

    Nataliia Vigilianska

    Head of Department, Candidate of Technical Sciences (PhD).

    Tел.: +38 044 205-25-75

    E-mail:  pewinatalsa@gmail.com

    Liudmila Olevska

    Head of Department, Candidate of Technical Sciences (PhD).

    Tel.: +38 044 200 86 48

    E-mail: olevska@paton.org.ua,

    The Department was founded in 1985.

    The first head of the Department was Borysov Yuriy Serhiyovych, Doctor of Technical Sciences (Ukraine), Professor, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine.

    The aim of its creation was the development of scientific foundations of new technologies for applying protective coatings of various functional purposes (wear-resistant, corrosion-resistant, heat-resistant, heat-protective, restorative) with the use of thermal and magnetron sputtering methods based on the results of research of physicochemical and thermophysical processes of forming a layer of protective coatings.

    The main directions of scientific and technical activity

    • Research of physicochemical and thermophysical processes of formation of a layer of new protective coatings of various functional purposes under the conditions of thermal and magnetron deposition methods.
    • Study of the features of the physical and chemical processes that occur during the formation of a protective coating under the conditions of various methods of thermal spraying, which have different levels of kinetic and thermophysical characteristics of plasma spraying (atmospheric, microplasma, supersonic air-gas); high-velocity oxyfuel, detonation, electric arc metallization and the method of magnetron deposition.
    • Study of the features of the formation of thermal and magnetron coatings with different types of structures (amorphous, quasi-crystalline, nanostructured, containing MAX phases, cermet).
    • Development of the scientific foundations of technologies for applying electric arc coatings with a pseudoalloy and cermet structure.
    • Study of the conditions for the formation of biocompatible coatings with a bioactive and biocermet structure using microplasma sputtering methods.
    • Study of the conditions for the formation of magnetron coatings with a nanocrystalline structure, which have increased functional properties (mechanical, electromagnetic, biomedical).
    • Development of compositions and manufacturing technologies using methods of mechanical alloying and mechanochemical synthesis of powders for applying functional coatings with a composite and nanoscale structure.

    Main results of the Department's work

    1. Development of the scientific foundations of the technology of thermal spraying of protective coatings on the surface of light alloys (Al-, Mg-, Ti-).
    2. Development of compositions and technology of plasma sputtering of heat-protective coatings of increased efficiency with a quasi-crystalline and approximant structure.

    1 – Uncoated sample; 2 – NiCrAlY; 3 – AlCuFe; 4 – NiCrAlY/ZrO2×Y2O3;   5 – NiCrAlY + (NiCrAlY/ZrO2×Y2O3 (3:1)) + (NiCrAlY/ZrO2×Y2O3 (1:1)) + (NiCrAlY/ZrO2×Y2O3 (1:3)) + ZrO2×Y2O3; 6 – AlCuFe + (AlCuFe/ZrO2×Y2O3 (3:1)) + (AlCuFe/ZrO2×Y2O3 (1:1)) + (AlCuFe/ZrO2×Y2O3 (1:3)) + ZrO2× Y2O3; 7 – AlCuFeTiCrSi+(AlCuFeTiCrSi/ZrO2×Y2O3 (3:1)) +  (AlCuFeTiCrSi/ZrO2×Y2O3(1:1)) + (AlCuFeTiCrSi/ZrO2×Y2O3 (1:3)) + ZrO2× Y2O3

    The appearance of the pistons of an internal combustion engine:

    a – without coating; b – with AlCuFe coating (without treatment); c – with AlCuFe coating (after grinding)


    • Development of technology for thermal application of a wear-resistant two-layer NiCr–WC-Co-Cr coating with the properties superior to those of galvanic Cr for strengthening parts of aviation equipment.
    • Development of technologies for applying magnetron n-TiC/a-C coating with a thickness of 2-3 microns with a nano-sized structure (3-10 nm).
    • Development of a technology for applying a CNx magnetron coating with unique mechanical and tribotechnical properties with the use of an endoprosthesis in a friction pair.
    • Development of a technology of magnetron deposition of FeAl coating with a nanolayer structure and soft magnetic properties.
    • Development of a technology for applying TiN/Si3N4, TiAlMoN/Si3N4 magnetron coatings to increase the wear resistance of cutting tools.



    • Газотермическое напыление композиционных порошков / Кулик А.Я., БорисовЮ.С. Мнухин А.С.,Никитин М.Д. – Л.: Машиностроение, 1985. – 199 с. (переведено на японську мову)
    • Газотермические покрытия из порошковых материалов / Борисов Ю.С., ХарламовЮ.А., Сидоренко С.Л., Ардатовская Е.Н. – Справочник. Наукова думка. 1987. – 544 с.
    • Некристаллические металлические материалы и покрытия в технике / КуницкийЮ.А., Коржик В.Н., Борисов Ю.С. – К.: Тэхника, 1988. – 198 с.
    • Нанесення покриття / Борисов Ю.С., Корж В.М., Кузнецов В.Д.,Ющенко К.А. – Навчальний посібник. „Арістей”, Киев,  2005. -204 с.
    • Інженерія поверхні / Борисов Ю.С., Ющенко К.А., Кузнецов В.Д., Корж В.М. – Наукова думка, Киев, 2007. – 558 с.


    • Borisov, Y.S., Borisova, A.L., Kolomytsev, M.V. et al. High-Velocity Air Plasma Spraying of (Ti, Cr)C–32 wt.% Ni Clad Powder. Powder Metall. Met. Ceram. 2017, 56, 305–315.
    • S. Borisov, E.A. Astakhov, A.P. Murashov, A.P. Grishchenko, N.V. Vigilyanskaya And M.V. Kolomytsev. Investigation of structure and properties of thermal coatings of WC-Co-Cr system produced by high-velocity methods of spraying. The Paton Welding Journal, 2015 – №10. – P.25-28.
    • Borisov Yu. S., Kuznetsov M. V., Tkachenko B. T., Volos A. V., Zadoya V. G., Kapitanchuk L. M., Gudymenko A. I., Gorban V. F. Investigation of process of formation of structure and properties of magnetron nanolayer FeAl-coatings. The Paton Welding Journal, 2017 – №8. – P.24-29.
    • S. Borisov, N. Vigilianska, I. Demianov, O. Grishchenko (2018) Development of electric-arc pseudoalloy coatings for the strengthening of copper walls of molds. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise TechnologiesVol. 3, №12 (93), pp. 6-14.
    • Borisov Yu.S., Borisova A.L., Tsymbalista T.V., Kaporik N.I. and Vasilkovskaya M.A., Tsymbalista T.V. (2019) Heat-resistant thermal sprayed coatings based on FeAlCr intermetallic with CeO2 The Paton Welding Journal, 2019 – №9. – P.23-29.
    • S. Borisov, S.G. Voinarovych, A.N. Kyslytsia, E.K. Kuzmych-Ianchuk, S.N. Kaliuzhnyi (2019) Investigation of electrical and thermal characteristics of plasmatron for microplasma spraying of coatings from powder materials. The Paton Welding Journal 11, pp 19-22
    • L. Borisova, Yu.S. Borisov, A.P.Grishchenko, N.V.Vigilyanska, M.V.Kolomytsev, M.A.Vasilkovskaya. Structure and phase composition of ZrB2-SiC-AlN plasma coatings of the surface C/C-SiC composite material.  The Paton Welding Journal,2019, №5 pp. 18-27.
    • G. Voinarovych, D.L. Alontseva, O.M. Kyslytsia, S.M. Kalyuzhnyi, T.V. Tsymbalista, M.M. Dyman. Microplasma spraying of coatings using zirconium wire. The Paton Welding Journal, 2022, №9, pp. 41-46.
    • Borysov Yu.S., Volos O.V., Vigilyanska N.V., Zadoya V.G., Strelchuk V.V. Influence of parameters of magnetron sputtering process on phase composition and structure of carbon nitride coatings. The Paton Welding Journal, 2022, №9, 15-20.
    • Borisov Yu. S., Vigilianska N. V., Demianov I. A., Grishchenko O. P., Murashov A. P. Investigation of Formation Process of Pseudoalloy Copper–Aluminium Coatings Obtained by Electric Arc Spraying Method of Dissimilar Wires. Metallofiz. Noveishie Tekhnol. 2022, vol. 44, No. 1, pp. 63–78.
    • Senderowski, C.; Vigilianska, N.; Burlachenko, O.; Grishchenko, O.; Murashov, A.; Stepanyuk, S. Effect of APS Spraying Parameters on the Microstructure Formation of Fe3Al Intermetallics Coatings Using Mechanochemically Synthesized Nanocrystalline Fe-Al Powders. Materials, 2023, V. 16, Issue 4, P. 1669.



    • Патент на корисну модель № 55585, Україна. МПК C23C 4/12, C23C 4/04. Псевдосплавні покриття на основі міді та спосіб їх нанесення / Патон Б. Є., Борисов Ю. С., Дем’янов І. А., Мурашов А. П., Вігілянська Н. В., Грищенко О. П., Саєнко В. Я. Дата публікації відомостей про видачу патенту та номер бюлетеня: 27.12.2010, Бюл. № 24.
    • Патент на корисну модель № 58852, Україна. МПК C23C 4/12. Спосіб нанесення псевдосплавних покриттів на основі міді / Патон Б. Є., Борисов Ю. С., Дем’янов І. А., Мурашов А. П., Вігілянська Н. В., Грищенко О. П., Саєнко В. Я. Дата публікації відомостей про видачу патенту та номер бюлетеня: 26.04.2011, Бюл. № 8.
    • Патент на корисну модель № 80853, Україна. МПК C23C 4/00 Порошковий дріт з продуктами механохімічного синтезу для газотермічного нанесення псевдосплавних покриттів / Борисов Ю. С., Дем’янов І. А., Рябцев І.О., Вігілянська Н. В., Рупчев В.Л., Бурлаченко О.М. Дата публікації відомостей про видачу патенту та номер бюлетеня: 10.06.2013, Бюл. № 11.
    • Патент на корисну модель № 68075, Україна. МПК: B23K 10/00 Інтегрований лазерно-дуговий плазмотрон / Ющенко К.А., Кривцун І.В., Борисов Ю.С., Фомакін О.О., Войнарович С. Г., Кислиця О.М., Кузьмич-Янчук Є.К, Хаскін В.Ю., Сіора О.В., Бернацький А.В., Дата публікації відомостей про видачу патенту та номер бюлетеня: 12.03.2012, Бюл. № 5.
    • Патент на корисну модель № 89041, Україна. МПК: C22C 45/00, C22C 16/00 Композиційний аморфний матеріал на основі цирконію з антифрикційним компонентом дисульфіду молібдену / Астахов Є.А., Борисов Ю.С., Кільдій А.І., Бурлаченко О.М., Недайборщ С.Д., Щепетов В.В. Дата публікації відомостей про видачу патенту та номер бюлетеня: 10.04.2014, Бюл. № 7.
    • Plasmatron for spraying of coatings, Yushenko K., Voinarovych S., Borisov Yu., Fomakin О Pub. No.:WO/2004/010747,      International Application No.:PCT/UA2003/000014. Publication Date: 29.01.2004 ,     International Filing Date: 25.04.2003, IPC: H05H 1/32 (2006.01)

    Official recognition:

    • Award of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine “For professional achievements” (2018), Borysov Yu.S.
    • Award of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine “For scientific achievements” (2018), Borysov Yu.S.
    • Honorary title “Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine” (2008), Borysov Yu.S.
    • Honorary title “Best Inventor of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR” (1985), Borisova A.L.
    • Award of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine “For the preparation of scientific change” (2009), Borisova A.L.

    Certificates of honor and acknowledgments: Certificate of Honor of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Ph.D. Borisova A.L. (2018), S.G. Voinarovych (2018), Certificate of the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine – S.G. Voinarovych (2007);

    Competition winners: Second prize in the competition of scientific and technical projects in the III competition of scientific and technical projects under the motto “Intellectual potential of young scientists – the city of Kyiv” – S.G. Voynarovych. (2003)

    The winner of the Prize of the Chairman of Holosiivskyi District Council in Kyiv for gifted youth S.G. Voynarovych. (2007)

    Scholars of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine: Hryshchenko O.P. (2012-2014), Burlachenko O.M. (2012-2014)

    Scholars of the President of Ukraine: Scholarship of the President of Ukraine, Borisova A.L. (2019), N.V. Vigilyanska (2011-2013)

    Current projects

    • Research of the physico-chemical processes of forming thermal and magnetron Ti-Al coatings with a nanocomposite structure to protect the surface of Al and Ti alloys against wear and high-temperature corrosion, 2019-2021.
    • Development of principles of optimizing the process of forming the structure of tribotechnical and medical coatings with increased durability and efficiency, 2017-2021
    • Development of composition and technology of microplasma spraying of biocompatible cermet coatings with a controlled structure, 2017-2021.
    • Development of compositions and technologies for applying sealing coatings to parts of turbo-compressor units of gas pumping stations, 2021-2025.

    Installations for fine and ultrafine grinding and activation of various materials:

    • laboratory planetary ball mill “Activator-2SL”;
    • laboratory Attritor “IEZ-1-05”;
    • vibrating mill M10;
    • ball mill

    Installations for spraying protective coatings:

    • UPU-8M installation for argon-arc plasma sputtering;
    • Kyiv-S installation for supersonic air-gas plasma spraying;
    • SNMI CYBER-JET installation for oxyfuel spraying;
    • EM-14M installation for electric arc spraying (electric arc metallization);
    • “Perun-S” installation for detonation spraying;
    • EILV-8 installation for electroerosion alloying;
    • DYMET-403 installation for cold gas dynamic spraying;
    • MP-004 installation for microplasma spraying;
    • VU-1BS installation for magnetron sputtering


    1. Serikbayev East Kazakhstan Technical University (Kazakhstan)
    2. Institute of Metal Science, Equipment and Technologies with Hydro- and Aerodynamics Centre “Acad. A. Balevski” (Bulgaria)
    3. Warsaw University of Technology (Poland)
    4. National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” (Ukraine)
    5. National Aviation University (Ukraine)


    1. The technology of microplasma application of Ti-coating on the components of the hip joint endoprosthesis was developed and implemented in industrial production at Motor-Sich JSC.

    endoprosthesis legs

    endoprosthesis cups


    1. The technology of electric arc sputtering of pseudoalloy coatings of the Cu-Fe-FeB system was developed to increase the stability of friction disks of the automatic gearbox of the Liebherr excavator (for the company “Hydrocontinent”, Kyiv).
    2. The technology of applying an anti-cavitation coating to the outer surface of the cooling jacket of cylinder liners of internal combustion engines (“Motordetal-Konotop” LLC, Konotop) was developed.