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Dear Borys Evgenovych,
The community of E.O. Paton Electric Welding Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine wishes you and in your person all Ukrainian science many happy returns on the centenary celebration.
It is a great honour for us to work with you – the person, whose versatile and extremely fruitful scientific and engineering activities, efforts to guide basic research to solve the society challenges and everyday readiness to face the demands of the future, created your world reputation that is implementation of the clear-sighted principles of the Institute founder – Evgen Oskarovych Paton.
You contributed greatly to develop the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine which centenary – this is really symbolic – coincides with your celebration.
You have chaired the academic science in Ukraine for almost 60 years, and your talent of outstanding scientist – architect opened up brightly at the position of the President of the Academy.
You made a lot of discoveries, developed a great number of methodologies, theories and concepts. And this is the main that you are a gifted and deserving successor of the world known scientific school that of Paton School, which unites scientists who work in the field of electric welding. At the same time, the scientific and scientific-technical directions, which you, dear Borys Evgenovych, initiated, have significantly expanded the research and developments topics and raised electric welding to a completely new unique worldwide horizon.
Your life is a remarkable example of innovator-scientist who realizes role and place of science in society. Your worldly wisdom and great experience proceed contributing to retain the scientific potential of Ukraine, in particular talented young scientists, increase the international reputation of our science and facilitate integration of the Ukrainian scientific community to the world research area.
Please accept our heartfelt wishes of strong health, unlimited personal happiness, inexhaustible energy and inspiration in new good deeds! May your unschooled talent, colossal vigor and self-sacrifice contribute to the development of our country in the future!