Head of Department, Corresponding Member of NAS of Ukraine

Pozniakov Valeriy
- 1Pozniakov Valeriy
Head of Department, Corresponding Member of NAS of Ukraine
Tel.: +38 044 200-73-66
E-mail: paton39@ukr.net
- 2Zhdanov Sergiy
Assisstant Professor
E-mail: paton39@ukr.net
- 3Gaivoronskiy Alexandr
Principal researcher, Dr
E-mail: gajva@ukr.net
- 4Demchenko Yuriy
- 5Zavdoveev Anatoliy
- 6Maksimenko Andrey
Department of Alloyed Steel Welding
The Department was founded in 1982
- research of weldability of low-alloy high-strength structural steels, special-purpose alloy steels and high-carbon steels, which are performed using arc and special welding processes;
- study of the influence of thermodeformational welding cycles on the structure and mechanical properties of the metals of welds and heat-affected zone of welded joints on high-strength structural steels and special high-carbon steels;
- development of new methods and studying the brittle, delayed and fatigue fracture resistance of welded joints of high-strength structural steels, special-purpose alloy steels, and high-carbon steels;
- study of the influence of chemical composition of steels and weld metal, diffusible hydrogen, stressed state, and welding modes on cold cracking resistance of welded joints of high-strength structural steels, special purpose alloys, and high-carbon steels;
- study of the influence of technological factors on hot crack formation in welded joints of high-strength alloy steels for special purposes and with higher carbon content;
- study of the influence of operating loads on the change of structure, mechanical properties, and damage of welded joints of metal structures made of high-strength structural steels, special purpose alloy steels, and high-carbon steels;
- development and investigation of welding consumables for manual, mechanized and automatic submerged-arc welding and surfacing of products from high-strength structural steels, special-purpose alloy steels, and steels with a high carbon content;
- development of measures to increase the technological and operational strength of welded joints of high-strength structural steels, special-purpose alloy steels and high-carbon steels;
- creation and improvement of welding technologies for fabrication of metal structures from high-strength structural steels and special-purpose alloy steels;
- creation and improvement of repair and welding technologies to restore the integrity and geometrical dimensions of metal structures made of high-strength structural steels and high-carbon steels;
- development of normative-technical and technological documentation for welding at manufacture and repair of metal structures from high-strength structural steels, special-purpose alloy steels and high-carbon steels;
- introduction and author’s support on welding technologies (restoration surfacing) at manufacture and repair of metal structures from high-strength structural steels, special-purpose alloy steels and high-carbon steels;
- conducting departmental, comparative, preliminary, acceptance, qualification, periodic, and inspection control over the technological processes of arc welding: coated-electrode manual, manual and mechanized consumable and nonconsumable electrode gas-shielded; automatic submerged-arc welding at manufacture, repair and installation of steam and hot water boilers, steam and hot water pipelines, main and process pipelines, gas and water supply pipelines, pressure vessels, lifting cranes and other welded structures and products;
- examination of research projects in accordance with the main activities of the Department.
Work on departmental topics 39/7 “Development and research of welding technologies for metal structures of machines and engineering facilities for civil and defence purposes from new high-strength steels thicker than 30 mm with a yield strength of 1200 MPa” began in 2019.
- Technology of double-arc surfacing under a flux layer at restoration of worn surface of flanges of railway wheels of freight cars (repair companies of “Ukrzaliznytsia”, Ukraine, repair companies of “Russian Railways”, Russia, “KITECH”, Republic of Korea).
- Technologies for gas-shielded restoration surfacing of elements of the tread profile of tram wheels (Mozyr, Republic of Belarus, Kyivpastrans, Ukraine).
- Technologies of repair welding of fatigue fractures and restoration of worn surfaces of crushing and processing equipment of mining enterprises (OJSC “Karelskii Okatish”, Russia, OJSC Poltava Mining and Metallurgical Plant, Kryvbas Mining and Metallurgical Plant, Ukraine).
- Technologies of repair by welding of fatigue fractures of press and forging equipment (OJSC “Lower Dnieper Pipe Plant”, OJSC “Centravis Production Ukraine”, OJSC “SKF Ukraine”, OJSC “Vulkan”, Ukraine).
- Technology of repair of operational damages of elements of subway escalator drives (PU “Kyiv Metro”, Ukraine).
- Technology of repair by welding of fatigue fractures in units of metal structures of coal galleries (Cherkasy CHP, Ukraine).
- Technology of welding of metal structures of the main units of the drum unloading trolley (OJSC “Inguletsky MPP”, Ukraine).
- Technology of welding the closing seam of the spiral chamber and pressure water supply of the hydraulic unit (Dniester PSP, Ukraine).
- Welding technologies for modernization and repair of metal structures of girder constructions of railway bridges (bridges across the Teteriv River, Vorskla River, Ukraine).
- Technology of welding load-bearing metal structures of NSC “Olympic” in Kiev (LLC “Master Profi Ukraine”, Ukraine).
- Technology of mechanized welding of metal structures of the HP 7500 supercharger wheel housing made of high-strength steel of 10G2MBYu type.
Valeriy Dmytrovych Poznyakov, Oleksandr Anatolijovych Gaivoronskii – Winner of 2019 E.O.Paton Prize, Series of works “Development of technologies for the manufacture and repair of metal structures of machines and engineering constructions for civil and military purposes from high-strength steels with the yield strength of 350… 1200 MPa”;
Distinctions of researchers
Valeriy Dmytrovych Poznyakov, Oleksandr Anatolijovych Gaivoronskii – Winner of 2019 E.O.Paton Prize, Series of works “Development of technologies for the manufacture and repair of metal structures of machines and engineering constructions for civil and military purposes from high-strength steels with the yield strength of 350… 1200 MPa”;
Valeriy Dmytrovych Poznyakov, State Prize of Ukraine in the field of science and technology for 2015
Zavdoveev Anatoliy Viktorovych, Award of the President of Ukraine for Young Scientists for 2015, “Energy-efficient means of obtaining high-quality low-carbon steel wire by means of intensive plastic deformation”
- Zavdoveev, A., Pozniakov, V., Baudin, T. et al. Optimization of the pulsed arc welding parameters for wire arc additive manufacturing in austenitic steel applications. Int J Adv Manuf Technol 119, 5175–5193 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00170-022-08704-4
- Anatoliy Zavdoveev, Valeriy Poznyakov, Thierry Baudin, Massimo Rogante, Hyoung Seop Kim, Mark Heaton, Yuriy Demchenko, Victor Zhukov, Mykola Skoryk, Effect of heat treatment on the mechanical properties and microstructure of HSLA steels processed by various technologies, Materials Today Communications,
- Volume 28, 2021, 102598, ISSN 2352-4928, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mtcomm.2021.102598.
- Zavdoveev, A., Poznyakov, V., Baudin, T., Heaton, M., Kim, H.S., Acquier, P., Skory, M., Rogante, M. and Denisenko, A. (2021), Welding Thermal Cycle Impact on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Thermo–Mechanical Control Process Steels. steel research int., 92: 2000645. https://doi.org/10.1002/srin.202000645
- Kostin, V.А., Poznyakov, V.D., Berdnikova, O.М. et al. Influence of Structural Transformations on the Mechanical Properties of Welded Joints of Armor Steels. Mater Sci 56, 472–480 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11003-021-00453-1
- Zavdoveev, A., Baudin, T., Pashinska, E., Kim, H.S., Brisset, F., Heaton, M., Poznyakov, V., Rogante, M., Tkachenko, V., Klochkov, I. and Skoryk, M. (2021), Continuous Severe Plastic Deformation of Low-Carbon Steel: Physical–Mechanical Properties and Multiscale Structure Analysis. steel research int., 92: 2000482. https://doi.org/10.1002/srin.202000482
- Zavdoveev, A., Len, A. & Pashinska, E. Small Angle Neutron Scattering Study of Nanoscale Structure of Low-Carbon Steel After Rolling with Shear Followed by Cold Drawing. Met. Mater. Int. 27, 481–487 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12540-020-00766-x
- Zavdoveev, A., Rogante, M., Poznyakov, V., Heaton, M., Acquier, P., Kim, H. S., Baudin, T., & Kostin, V. (2020). Development of the PC-GMAW welding technology for TMCP steel in accordance with welding thermal cycle, welding technique, structure, and properties of welded joints. Reports in Mechanical Engineering, 1(1), 26-33. https://doi.org/10.31181/rme200101026z
- Poznyakov, V.D., Markashova, L.I., Shelyagin, V.D. et al. Cold Cracking Resistance of Butt Joints in High-Strength Steels with Different Welding Techniques. Strength Mater 51, 843–851 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11223-020-00132-7
- Ostash, О.P., Kulyk, V.V., Poznyakov, V.D. et al. Influence of the Modes of Heat Treatment on the Strength and Cyclic Crack-Growth Resistance of 65G Steel. Mater Sci 54, 776–782 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11003-019-00263-6
- Pozniakov, V., L. Markashova, O. Berdnikova, T. Alekseienko, and S. Zhdanov. “Structure and Crack Resistance of N-A-XTRA-70 Steel Joints Manufactured by Hybrid Laser-Arc Welding.” Materials Science Forum. Trans Tech Publications, Ltd., July 2018. https://doi.org/10.4028/www.scientific.net/msf.927.29.
- Zavdoveev Anatoliy, Baudin Thierry, Pashinska Elena, and Skoryk Mykola Preparation of metallographic specimens for electron backscatter diffraction Emerging Materials Research 2017 6:2, 260-264 https://doi.org/10.1680/jemmr.16.00117
Welding equipment: semiautomatic machines of PDG types – 508 U3, Paton BP-601, A-1416, A – 1412 automatic machines, VDU type DC rectifiers, welding rotators M 11040 and M 11050.
Test equipment:
- universal machine UMP – 02 for fatigue testing of welded joints at cyclic bending loads;
- Friedland installation for static bending tests of the welds;
- Development of technologies of automated pulse-arc gas-shielded welding of structural steels and special-purpose steels.
- Development of technologies of wire arc additive manufacturing (WAAM) of the high entropy alloys (HEAs) with metal powder cored wire (MPCW).