ADPOLCOM was established from April 30, 2018 as a result of a long-term fruitful collaboration between Center of Polymer and Carbon Materials of the Polish Academy of Sciences, E.O.Paton Electric Welding Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine if the frame of activities of the Central and East European Polymer Network (CEEPN). ADPOLCOM becomes a joint working platform for Polish and Ukrainian institutions.
The objectives:
– improvement of conditions for the education of doctoral students and young researchers;
– improvement of the infrastructure of three institutions and sharing of existing equipment;
– improvement of competitiveness of the polymer research in Poland and Ukraine;
– support of interdisciplinary and inter-institutional research;
– facilitation, together with other members of the CEEPN, the implementation of common projects at the national and international level.
Description of objectives and significance of joint laboratory:
The laboratory provides new possibilities for the integration of research activities and human as well as technical support in three institutions. Furthermore, the integrated centers of excellence will be created for competitiveness in European research area. Establishment of such integrated centers is necessary also from the point of the education of new generation of polymer scientists and technologists. This activity extends existing cooperation between three institutions. The research interests of the Laboratory are focused on the development of new advanced materials based on polymers and biopolymers and cover a broad range of fields of macromolecular chemistry, physics and technology from the design and synthesis, through characterization to technology and application.
The scope:
– polymers and polymer composites;
– polymer materials with fillers and nanofillers of different nature;
– electroactive polymers;
– biocompatible and biodegradable polymers;
– characterization of the advanced polymer materials;
– processing, technology and application of the advanced polymer materials.
The activities:
– common national and international projects;
– the mobility of experienced, doctoral and postdoctoral researchers;
– joint doctoral study;
– organization of workshops, conferences and trainings.