• E.O. Paton Electric Welding Institute (PWI)
  • 06/04/2022

    IIW and EWF positions on the situation in Ukraine

    The International Institute of Welding (IIW), a non-profit distributing organisation acting as the worldwide network for knowledge exchange of joining technologies to improve the global quality of life, and the European Welding Federation (EWF), a technical organization and network standing for transparency and partnership, are greatly concerned about the war in Ukraine as it is significantly affecting lives, greatly touched by the resulting human suffering and stands in solidarity with the people of Ukraine.

    IIW and EW strongly believe that the culture of science is borderless, that dialogue prevails, that peace is soon achieved and that aggression and war are no means to resolve any disputes or disagreements.

    The International Institute of Welding recommends that:

    • IIW Member Societies and the IIW community consider actions to support their colleagues within the welding scientific and technical community of Ukraine;
    • IIW temporarily suspends issuing of IIW Diplomas and certificated Certificates, and the delivery of IIW Products in the Russian Federation; and
    • any IIW Event in the Russian Federation be temporarily suspended.

    The European Welding Federation recommends:

    • to develop specific actions to support the organizations in Ukraine, members of EWF, and their staff in all possible ways and addressing their needs for as long as necessary;
    • to suspend the trade activity developed under the EWF brand in the specific Activity Location identified as Russian Federation, not authorising EWF ANBs – Authorised Nominated Bodies and ANBCCs – Authorised Nominated Bodies for Company Certification including the ones located in Russian Federation to issue EWF diplomas and certificates for as long as the existing situation remains in place.
