Head of Department, Prof., D.Sc. (Dr. habil.), PhD., laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine, Chevalier of the Order of Merit

Full number of employees is 22 (20 Research staff, 2 Technical staff), including:
- 4 D.Sc.
- 7 PhD
- 9 young researchers and PhD students
Head of Department, Prof., D.Sc. (Dr. habil.) in Engineering Sciences, Dr. in Physics and Mathematics (Ukraine, Dr. in Physics (France), laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine, Chevalier of the Order of Merit
Tel.: +38 044-205-26-05
E-mail: 4chewip@gmail.com
- 3DEMCHENKO Valeriy
Leading staff scientist, D. Sc. (Dr. habil) in Chemical Sciences, Dr. in Physics and Mathematics, laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine
Tel.: +38 044 200 60 79
E-mail: dvaleriyl@ukr.net
- 4MAMUNYA Yevgen
Staff scientist, Professor, D.Sc. in Physics and Mathematics, laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine
Tel.: +38 044 205 26 05
E-mail: ymamunya@ukr.net
Staff scientist, Assoc. Prof., D.Sc. in Physics and Mathematics, PhD
Tel.: +38 044 205 26 05
E-mail: term@inmech.kiev.ua
- 6KORAB Mykola
Leading staff scientist, PhD in engineering sciences
Tel.: +38 044 205 24 43
E-mail: korab_nikolay@ukr.net
- 7SHADRIN Andriy
Senior staff scientist, Dr. in Engineering Sciences
Tel.: +38 044 200 60 79
E-mail: shadrin60@gmail.com
Senior staff scientist, Dr. in Chemical Sciences (Ukraine), Dr. in Chemistry (France)
Tel.:+380 44 205 26 74
E-mail: alina.vashchuk@i.ua
Staff scientist, Dr. in Physics and Mathematics (Ukraine), Dr. in Physics (France)
E-mail: a.v.maruzhenko@gmail.com
- 10TALANIUK Victoria
- 12KOLISNYK Roman
Staff scientist, PhD in Materials Sciences
Tel.: +38 044 205 26 74
E-mail: romanvaleriyovych@gmail.com
- 13KONDRATENKO Volodymyr
- 14GALCHUN Anatoliy
- 16BUINOVA Yevgenia
Leading engineer, PhD student
Tel.: +38 044 200 61 99
- 17KARPOVA Svitlana
- 18PARSHUTINA Lyudmila
- 19URSUL Kateryna
Tel.: +38 044 200 61 99
- 20SKOK Oleksander
- 21CHUKASHKIN Oleksander
Department of Plastics Welding
The department was established in 1979, it is the first and unique in this field in Ukraine.
The purpose of its creation was to develop the scientific basis for welding plastics, development and implementation of appropriate technologies and welding equipment.
2. Research of physico-mechanical and physico-chemical processes that are realized in the joint area, welding mechanisms and the nature of welded joints, development of relevant scientific theories and mathematical models of welding processes of plastics and TCM.
3. Development, improvement and implementation of technologies and equipment for bell, thermistor and butt welding of plastic pipes with a diameter of 20…1200 mm.
4. Development and implementation of technologies of thermistor, ultrasonic, high-frequency and beam welding of products and structures of complex geometry of joints from polymer sheets, multilayer and reinforced films, artificial and synthetic fabrics used in aircraft and automotive, radio, medical, chemical and food industries, as well as in agriculture and everyday life.
5. Development of functional materials and nanomaterials, technologies and equipment for 3D and 4D printing (additive technologies) of special purpose products for high-tech industries, including aerospace, rocket, ship and instrument manufacturing, medicine, etc.
6. Development of materials, technologies and equipment for chemical welding of thermoset and thermoplastic polymeric materials.
7. Development of technologies and equipment for joining different types and heterogeneous pairs of materials, in particular different types of polymers, polymers with metals, etc.
8. Development of materials, technologies and equipment for effective quality control of welded joints of plastic and TCM products, study of operational characteristics of welded joints and structures.
9. Training, advanced training and certification of welding personnel, certification of equipment for welding plastic products.
10. Training of highly qualified personnel, in particular doctors of philosophy and doctors of sciences in the fields of materials science, welding and related processes and technologies, physics, chemistry and technologies of polymeric materials.
11. Providing technical assistance in the implementation of technologies and equipment for welding plastics and TCM, examination of research projects and the provision of other paid services in accordance with the main scientific activities of the department.
12. Development of technological and regulatory documentation for welding of plastic products and TCM, preparation of international and state standards, as well as reference and encyclopedic publications in accordance with the main scientific activities of the department.
Research projects:
- Creation of scientific bases, technologies and equipment for high-speed welding of polymeric materials
- Development of fundamental bases of additive technologies of formation of products from high-tech polymer composites and their connection
- Development of scientific bases of the directed management of formation of structure and operational properties of welded connections of polymeric materials by action of external and internal factors.
- Development of fundamental bases and development of perspective technologies of single-layer and multilayer surfacing of polymeric and composite materials
- Development of scientific and technological principles of welding plastics in abnormal environmental conditions
- Development of nanocomposite polymeric biomaterials with effective antiviral and antimicrobial action and technology of 3D printing of products from them
- Development of technological processes of chemical welding of plastics for structures of long-term use
- Development of biopolymer packaging films and ultrasonic welding technology
- Research of possibility of manufacturing of component parts of detector systems by welding
Scientific and technical projects:
- R&D for the manufacture and welding of parts made of reinforced thermoplastics
- Investigation of the effect of pure hydrogen and a mixture of hydrogen and natural gas on the material of polyethylene pipes
and other.
International projects:
- International Polish-Ukrainian Research Laboratory ADPOLCOM “Advanced polymers and composites” (PAN-NANU)
- Instrumentation Developments for Experiments at Accelerator facilities and accelerating Techniques (CNRS LIA IDEATE)
- Study of risks of polymeric composites formation for welding and 3D printing (CAS-NANU)
- Welding of biopolymers and investigation of biodegradation of their welded joints (PAN-NANU)
- Processing and joining of new functionilized biopolymer materials (PAN-NANU)
- For the first time the peculiarities of phase transformations occurring in a polymeric material during welding have been studied, a special structure in welded joints of plastics with specific properties has been identified, which differs from the structure and, accordingly, properties of the base material; the scientific theory concerning the conformational mechanism of welding of polymers and the nature of their welded joints is created; Based on the provisions of the new theory, technologies and a series of industrial equipment for welding polymer pipes, sheets and ultrafine films to increase production efficiency in domestic industry, including its construction, agricultural, medical, chemical, aerospace and rocket industries, has been developed and created.
- For the first time, the nature of the influence of various physical fields, including thermal and permanent magnetic fields, in the welding of polymers on the structure and properties of their welds has been investigated.
- The regularities of the influence of 3D printing and welding parameters, environmental conditions, micro- and nanosized disperse fillers, the nature of their distribution (ordered or disordered) in the polymer matrix, including biopolymers, on the formation of products and welds, their structure and properties has been studied, technologies and materials for the manufacture of products with predetermined functional properties have been developed.
- Scientific principles of chemical welding of thermosets, in particular epoxy resins, are developed.
- The scientific bases of connection of thermoplastic polymers with low-melting metals by the diffusion mechanism are created.
- Algorithms and computer programs for modeling of thermomechanical processes implemented in 3D printing and in the welding zone of crystalline and amorphous polymers have been developed. That allows to significantly reduce the amount of experimental work in developing new technologies and solving reliability forecasting and durability of products and welded joints.
Examples of implementation of scientific achievements in the creation of knowledge-intensive products
- Research and technological developments performed in the department have found application in various industries, in particular for welding plastic pipes with an outer diameter of 20… 1200 mm in the construction of pipelines for various purposes and, above all, distribution pipelines. To perform these works, seven standard sizes of installations for welding with heated butt and socket tools of pipes were developed and implemented.
- Innovative technology and equipment for butt welding with heated tools of polymer pipes with a diameter up to 250 mm without the technological stage of mechanical preparation of pipe ends and the formation of the inner lattice during welding. More details…
- Technology and equipment for seamless welding of multilayer polymer composite pipes have been developed. More details…
- The technology of welding of products from high-tech plastics with complex geometry of the joint surface has been developed. More details…
- Designs and technologies of production of immobilizing pneumatic tires for medical purpose for transportation of wounded person are developed. More details…
- Technology and equipment for welding ultra-thin braided polymer films for the manufacture of fine filters has been developed.
- A mechanized installation for butt welding of polyethylene and polypropylene pipes with a diameter of 160 – 400 mm in the field has been developed. Its main difference from well-known installations is the use of a pneumatic drive for pipe trimming and the creation of an appropriate effort at all stages of the operating cycle. The installation provides the ability to use it in manual mode, which can be useful in emergency situations in difficult production conditions.
- A fundamentally new technology of welding with a heated tool butt of pipes made of non-plasticized polyvinyl chloride (NPVH) with a diameter of up to 160 mm has been developed. The use of technology allows to replace the adhesive and mechanical joints of pipes, which ensures high quality and stability of welding results, the absence of thermal decomposition products in the seams due to the implementation of a new welding cycle.
- The technology of welding with a heated tool butt welding of pipes up to 315 mm in diameter from new types of fluoropolymers, in particular from ethylene chlorotrifluoroethylene, which are used in the construction of acid pipelines, has been developed.
- Юрженко М.В., Шестопал А.М., Гохфельд В.Л. та інші, під ред. академіка Патона Б.Є. “Словник-довідник зі зварювання та склеювання пластмас”, Київ : Наукова думка, 2018, 368 с. ISBN 978-966-00-1669-9.
- Демченко В.Л., Юрженко М.В. “Вплив магнітного поля на структуру та властивості полімерних матеріалів”, Університетська книга : Суми, Україна, 2017, 85 с. ISBN 978-966-680-846-5.
- Юрженко М.В., Кораб М.Г. “Зварювання високотехнологічних пластмас”, Університетська книга : Суми, Україна, 2016, 316 с. ISBN 978-966-680-809-0.
- Мамуня Є.П., Юрженко М.В., Лебедєв Є.В., Левченко В.В., Черваков О.В., Матковська О.К., Свердліковська О.С. “Електроактивні полімерні матеріали”, Альфа-Реклама : Київ, Україна, 2013, 412 с. ISBN 978-966-2477-94-8.
- Mamunya Ye., Iurzhenko М. (Eds.) “Advances in progressive thermoplastic and thermosetting polymers, perspectives and applications”, TechnoPress : Iasi, Romania (EU), 2012, 443 p. ISBN 978-973-702-902-7.
Articles (selected):
- Sikorska W., Zięba M., Musioł M., Kowalczuk M., Janeczek H., Chaber P., Masiuchok O., Demchenko V., Talanyuk V., Iurzhenko M., Puskas J.E., Adamus G. “Forensic Engineering of Advanced Polymeric Materials – Part VII: Degradation of Biopolymer Welded Joints”, Polymers 2020, 12, p. 1167. https://doi.org/10.3390/polym12051167
- Demchenko V.L., Kobylinskyi S.M., Riabov S.V., Shtompel V.I., Iurzhenko M.V., Rybalchenko N.P. “Novel approach to the formation of silver containing nanocomposites by thermochemical reduction of Ag+ ions in interpolyelectrolyte‑metal complexes”, Applied Nanoscience, Springer, published online: 02 April 2020. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13204-020-01368-0.
- Demchenko V.L., Shtompel V.I., Riabov S.V., Goncharenko L.A., Kobylinsky S.M., Iurzhenko M.V. “Preparation and characterization of Cu/Cu2O containing nanocomposites based on interpolyelectrolyte complexes of pectin–polyethyleneimine”, Applied Nanoscience, Springer, published online: 21 April 2020. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13204-020-01395-x.
- Demchenko V., Iurzhenko M., Shadrin A., Galchun A. “Relaxation behavior of polyethylene welded joints”, Nanoscale Research Letters, 2017, 12, P. 280–285. https://doi.org/10.1186/s11671-017-2059-z.
- Galchun A., Korab N., Kondratenko V., Demchenko V., Shadrin A., Anistratenko V., Iurzhenko M. “Nanostructurization and thermal properties of polyethylenes’ welds”, Nanoscale Research Letters, 2015, 10, p. 138- 144. https://doi.org/10.1186/s11671-015-0832-4.
- Korab M.G., Iurzhenko M.V., Vashchuk A.V., Menzheres M.G. “Mechanized welding of laminated PVC fabrics with heated air”, Journal “Automatic welding”, 2020, #10, p.43-48.
- Korab M.G., Iurzhenko M.V., Vashchuk A.V., Menzheres M.G. Welding of polymer films by low power lasers”, Journal “The Paton Welding Journal”, #9, p. 40-43.
- Masyuchok O.P., Yurzhenko M.V., Kolisnyk R.V., Korab M.G. “Additive technologies of polymer materials (Review)”, TPWJ, 2020, #5, 49-55 p. https://doi.org/10.37434/as2020.05.08.
- Iurzhenko M.V., Korab M.V., Kolisnyk R.V., Masiuchok O.P., Andreev A.S., Petropolsky V.S. “Welding of thermoplastic polymer composites in the aircraft industry (Review)”, TPWJ, 2020, #4, 30-35 p. https://doi.org/10.37434/tpwj2020.04.05.
- Kolesnik R.V., Yurzhenko M.V., Korab N.G., Shadrin A.A., Litvinenko Yu.V. “Modeling thermomechanical processes in welding high-tech plastics with embedded element”, TPWJ, 2017, #10, 24-30 p. https://doi.org/10.15407/tpwj2017.10.04.
Patents (selected):
- Patent for invention № 124127 Biodegradable metal-filled polymer nanocomposite with antibacterial properties //, Ukraine, IPC (2021.01) C08K 3/08 (2006.01) B82Y 30/00, 21.07.2021, Bull. № 29. Authors: Demchenko V.L., Iurzhenko M.V., Kobilinsky S.M., Goncharenko L.A., Masiuchok O.P.
- Patent for invention № 124126 Bactericidal silver-filled polymer nanocomposite, Ukraine, IPC (2021.01) C08K 3/08 (2006.01) B82Y 30/00, 21.07.2021, Bull. № 29. Authors: Demchenko V.L., Iurzhenko M.V., Kobilinsky S.M., Goncharenko L.A.
- Patent for invention UA №117033 (11.06.2018) Method of butt welding of polymer pipes without the use of mechanical butting and without the formation of the inner lattice, and a device for its implementation. Authors: M.V. Iurzhenko, M.G. Korab, A.M. Galchun, V.Yu. Kondratenko, A.O. Shadrin.
State standards of Ukraine (selected):
- DSTU EN 13067: 2016 (EN 13067: 2012, IDT) Personnel performing welding of plastics. Qualification tests of welders. Welded thermoplastic structures.
- DSTU EN ISO 6259-1: 2019 (EN ISO 6259-1: 2015, IDT; ISO 6259-1: 2015, IDT) Thermoplastic pipes. Determination of tensile properties. Part 1. General test method.
- DSTU ISO 12176-1: 2019 (ISO 12176-1: 2017, IDT) Plastic pipes and fittings. Equipment for welding of polyethylene systems. Part 1. Butt welding.
- DSTU ISO 12176-2: 2019 (ISO 12176-2: 2008, IDT) Plastic pipes and fittings. Equipment for welding of polyethylene systems. Part 2. Thermistor welding.
- The department has modern welding equipment for technological research in the field of welding of various products and structures made of polymeric materials (pipes, sheets, films, etc.).
In particular:
- for bell, thermistor welding and welding with a heated tool butt of plastic pipes with a diameter of 63 – 800 mm;
- for ultrasonic, high-frequency, beam and combined welding of products and structures made of polymer sheets, films and synthetic fabrics.
- The department has a testing laboratory of polymers, which is accredited by the National Accreditation Agency of Ukraine in UkrSEPRO certification system (accreditation certificate № UA6.001.T.271). The laboratory has modern equipment for optical and electron microscopic studies of the morphology of polymers and welds, determination of their mechanical characteristics. According to the field of accreditation, the laboratory performs the following tests and research:
- determination of the melt flow rate, both raw materials and finished product material;
- determination of the density of polymeric materials and TCM;
- determination of the mass fraction of volatile substances and moisture content in polymeric materials;
- type of soot distribution for polymer grades filled with it;
- determination of yield strength and yield strength of polymeric materials;
- determination of relative elongation at break;
- determination of changes in the length of the samples during heating;
- hydraulic tests of pipes made of polymeric materials at different temperatures and pressures, as well as cyclic hydraulic tests.
- A modern laboratory of polymer materials science, which is equipped with the latest scientific equipment, has been established in the department. In particular:
- X-ray diffractometer for X-ray diffraction analysis of XRD-7000 materials (Shimadzu, Japan);
- LiteSizer 500 device for determining the size and shape of nanoparticles (Anton Paar, Switzerland);
- test machine for determining the mechanical properties of AGS-10kNX materials (Shimadzu, Japan).
- upgraded transmission (combined with scanning) electron microscope JEOL CX 100 (Jeol, Japan).
Since 1998, the department has been participating in the implementation of the state program of gasification of settlements of Ukraine, taking an active part in the implementation of measures provided by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of July 10, 1997 № 726 “On production and use of polyethylene pipes in construction and reconstruction of gas networks in rural areas “, in particular in:
- development of regulatory documentation for the production of polyethylene pipes and fittings for gas pipelines;
- development of regulatory documentation for the design, construction and operation of gas distribution pipelines using polyethylene pipes;
- implementation of production and technical measures for the organization in Ukraine of serial production of polyethylene pipes and fittings for gas pipelines;
- development of technology and normative documentation for welding of polyethylene pipes at construction and repair of gas pipelines by methods of butt welding with the heated tool, the heated tool with a socket and thermistor welding;
- creation of training and certification centers for training and certification of welding specialists, technical diagnostics and certification of welding equipment for construction and repair of polyethylene gas pipelines
In the national space, the department cooperates with SE “CB” Antonov “” (Kyiv), SE “CB “Yuzhnoye “named after M.K. Yangel ”(Dnipro), LLC“ KSM Group ”(Kyiv), LLC“ Eurotrubplast ”(Kyiv), LLC“ Elplast ”(Lviv), LLC“ Naftogazbudavtomatika ”, gas companies of different levels and others.
Cooperation with universities:
On the basis of bilateral agreements, the department actively cooperates with the National Technical University of Ukraine “KPI named after Igor Sikorsky” (Kyiv), Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology (Dnipro), Kherson State Maritime Academy (Kherson) and the National Pedagogical University named after M.P. Drahomanov (Kyiv) in the areas of scientific and technical and scientific and pedagogical activities, as well as improving the quality of training of engineering, scientific and pedagogical staff.
Employees of the department are experts of the Ukrainian Attestation Committee of Welders and conduct training and certification of welders of polymer pipelines according to the qualifications:
- Welder of polymer pipes.
- Inspector of welding production.
International cooperation:
In 2018, the international Polish-Ukrainian research laboratory ADPOLCOM was established, which includes scientific institutes of Poland and Ukraine.
The department is the National Information Center of the Global Network for Sustainable Plastics in Ukraine.
On the basis of bilateral agreements, the department actively cooperates with:
- International Institute of Welding
- Institute de Soudure (Yutz, France)
- Centre of Polymer and Carbon Materials of the Polish Academy of Scienses (Zabrze, Poland).
- Insitute of Macromolecular Chemistry of the Czech Academy f Scienses (Prague, Czech Republic).
- Universite de Lorraine (Nancy, France)
- University Lyon 1 (Lyon, France)
- IMP@LYON1 UMR 5223 CNRS та INSA (Lyon, France)
- Lodz University of Technology (Lodz, Poland).
- Institute of Polymers of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Sophia, Bulgaria).
- Polymer Institute of the Slovakian Academy of Sciences (Bratislava, Slovakia)
- “Petru Poni” Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry of the Romanian Academy (Iasi, Romania)
- National Institute of Chemistry of Slovenia (Ljubljana, Slovenia)